Advanced Relief Chiropractic Newsletters

Are You Feeling Stuck?

Are You Feeling Stuck? by: One of the most challenging things in your body when you are feeling it struggle – are the emotions attached. One of those feelings is the feeling of being STUCK. Like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.  The same day, over and over again. The same alarm clock, the same responsibilities,…

Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose by: One of the hottest topics for readers today is the idea of finding your purpose. Purpose being some idea or mission that you feel compelled to pursue, with passion and constant unending desire.  It’s often described as a never-ending inner fire to pursue and accomplish something. Chiropractors often started their pursuit…

Horns or a Dipstick

Horns or a Dipstick by: A startling news story came out recently on a series of young people growing “horns.”  This story was about research done by an Australian chiropractor and others that showed that there is a prevalence of young people growing bony spikes on their heads. They suggested that these youngsters were using…

Power Hungry

Power Hungry by: BJ Palmer, the developer of chiropractic, said “The power that made the body heals the body.” Chiropractors often phrase this “there is a power in your body that is responsible for the healing inside you.”  Perhaps that is wrong.  Perhaps there isn’t a power inside you. Perhaps instead you ARE A POWER.…

Design Your Recovery

Design Your Recovery  by: “While other professions are concerned with changing the environment to suit the weakened body, chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to suit the environment.” -BJ Palmer, Developer of chiropractic. The healing process involves a lot of steps. Making calls, setting appointments, getting help. You can probably remember yourself at that…

Mr. Rogers’ Neighbor – The Chiropractor

Mr. Rogers’ Neighbor – The Chiropractor  by: Growing up, most adults today took many a tip from the most peaceful man in show business, Mr. Fred Rogers.  Mr. Rogers was famous for his kind and gentle mannerisms, his soft voice, and even more so his mild-mannered attire.  What better person to be the Maitre d’ of story…


9:00am - 2:00pm

3:00pm - 7:00pm

9:00am - 2:00pm

3:00pm - 7:00pm

By Appointment

Saturday & Sunday
By Appointment

Advanced Relief Chiropractic

2418 W Indian Trail UNIT A
Aurora, IL 60506

(630) 907-1300